
The Oasis property is more than just a farmland opportunity - it’s a chance to gain early access to an entirely new industry. Coconut from Colombia is a rapidly growing product category, and is poised to experience the same explosive expansion that has been observed in other products such as bananas, avocados, or limes. Featuring prime soil and climate conditions for coconut, Oasis is a 70-hectare coconut farm strategically positioned directly adjacent to the country’s most advanced existing coconut farm, called Pietrasanta, which will allow Oasis to benefit from existing infrastructure, labor, and commercialization solutions.
Oasis is the next phase of coconut development in Colombia. Located directly to the southeast of the existing Pietrasanta coconut farm, Oasis will benefit from the existing infrastructure and economies of scale created at Pietrasanta, which include an experienced labor force, irrigation installations, machinery, and fruit sales. Notably, Oasis will be planted using the elite coconut genetics developed by Pietrasanta, which operates Colombia’s only officially recognized coconut nursery. Together with the ideal soil and climate conditions present at the Oasis property, these genetics will lead to a uniquely productive coconut farm that will supply both domestic and international demand.
Located in close proximity to developing infrastructure in the Córdoba region, Oasis and its sister farm Pietrasanta are positioned to become the epicenter of coconut production in Colombia. The farm possesses ideal sandy clay soil, which allows for sufficient drainage and oxygen uptake for the palms’ root systems, as well as humid tropical conditions required for maximum production. These conditions are ideal for the farm’s hybrid genetic variety, which combines the robustness and resilience of the Caribbean Tall variety with the high productivity of the Malayan Dwarf variety.


Harvest Projections
Oasis’s variety of coconut generally begins producing four years after planting and is sustainable from a cashflow perspective by year seven or eight, depending on costs. The property itself is also expected to rise in value significantly, leading to major upside potential for this opportunity.